Wednesday, 19 November 2008


Well we made it, after what seemed like an endless plane journey at the time actually turned out to not be so bad and the nice hotel we had booked in Bangkok was a welcome greeting for us both.
It is now our third day in Thailand or our second full day if you want to be more exact and we have already experienced all different sights and smells (and no I don't mean Jen!).
From seeing a random bird in the airport on arriving to our taxi into Bangkok with the driver in tears mourning the death of a royal!

We are clearly not fully on thai time yet as we managed to wake up at 11.30am yesterday morning...wups! Although I see to be finding it harder than i remember to adjust Jen is seemingly having no problem with sleeping at the correct time, or it could just be that she is ignoring me when i ask if she is still awake!

We have already taken in a bit of the local culture by taking a trip down the river on a rather long narrow boat, the water level was rather high and so we had to test our balance walking along some narrow beams to get back to dry land and then experienced a show last night, which even i must say was quite good!

As I am writing this I now realise I have left our camera back at the hotel (its ok m&d its in the safe!) and so this entry is lacking much colour!

In a few hours time we will be back at the airport to continue our journey, we decided against the usual low budget traveller option of a 14hour bus to Phuket and instead have opted to fly down in 1.5 hours.
So yeah thats the future plan for now really, Phuket-Islands, beach, sun, chill out.

Hope all is well
Alex and Jen

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