Sunday 14 December 2008

Australia, Melbourne so far

Unfortunately we were delayed by an hour on the plane to Brisbane our first stop, but after landing in Brisbane and getting through security we had to get on a later flight to Melbourne.

We managed to see the sun in Brisbane but unfortunately as we landed in Melbourne we could see the rain!

We got picked up by Paul(Alex's uncle) and taken to Anna's(cousin) house where we meet Larraine(auntie) and Oscar(baby 2nd cousin) also had a lovely lunch and quick catch up. Anna took us to our hostel which had a great location right in the middle of Melbourne city.

The next day we managed to get back onto Singapore time by waking up at 11 o'clock wups!
After having a walk around Melbourne which is a lovely city (sorry we forgot the camera cable but will put pics on soon), we went to the aquarium which had a new enclosure of penguins. It was great as the enclosure was all clear and you could get right up close to the little penguins and watch them swimming in the pool.

The following day we went off to the old Gaol which is the old jail and we first went around the newer part which is now closed with a police officer (actor) who treated us as we were being arrested. After going through all the procedures in a very strict manner including being locked in a cell and the light being turned off!!! we we able to explore and even saw a padded cell.

After the tour we went through to the older part of the jail which had in nearly every cell different tales and artifacts of the inmates including Ned Nelly and we even saw the place where he was hung. Another strange item they had of some of the inmates were death masks, the whole place was very spooky and probably not something that I would do again.

We had plans for the next few days!! shock I know but unfortunately as we arrived in Phillip Island the weather didn't improve and we didn't camp. The next day wasn't any better but we walked to a near by wildlife park and got to see most of Australia's animals, I even fed the kangaroos and wallabies who were free range so came hopping up to us! but Alex wasn't feeling that brave and didn't even feed one by hand lol.

After getting absolutely soaked in the park we got a taxi to race track where we had some lunch and visited the museum. After reading about the history and seeing a few old bikes and cars and unfortunately it was raining so Alex decided not to go and try the track day where they had hire bikes!

That afternoon we got picked up by(well saved from the rain) my mum's old school friend Sarah and her husband Colin. They very kindly put us up and took us out on a drive around Mornington and up to a view point called Arthur's Seat(The area was beautiful with lovely sandy coasts then up around the view point with forest areas which included lots of winery's and stables) also we went down to the harbour and saw some Pelicans which were beautiful.

We are now back in the city and heading off to the Great Ocean Road and the Grampians tomorrow for three days on a tour.

Love Alex and Jen xx

P.s written by Jen : P Shaun!!!

1 comment:

Sam + Nick said...

Yo! looks like you took the weather with u guys!! Don't worry i'm sure it'll get better, seem to remember the weather wasn't that great last time we were there either. Not missin much back here, same old same old! Have a good time on ya trips! Catcha soon, Nick & Sam

P.S: watch out for the baton!